Hung out with Eliza. What a cracker, I walked into her craft room, wouldn't you know those Ikea purchases from our safari had magically multiplied. Hmmm! Not one but two desks, not one set of drawers but three. Of course Eliza stands there with a cheeky grin on her face shrugging her shoulders, trying desperately to act innocent. In your dreams GF.
We were on yet another mission, functional craft room by that night... First dismantle, WOW! I've never seen so many cables, power boards, double adapters. Just between you and the gatepost, I think GF has a fetish for anything associated with electricity....LOL. But we had a fabulous day, laughing, mostly at each other...that's what friends are for...right.
Are you part of the WOYWW blog hop? Don't know what it's about, head over to the Stamping Ground, Julia provides links to everyone's blog...What are you waiting for? Check it out.
Thanks for visiting, hope you have a great week. Happy Crafting and WOYWW.